Networking and server updates at 4:00pm on Wednesday March 18, 2015

Starting at 4:00pm on Wednesday, Mar 18 until approximately 5pm we will be upgrading the main departmental network connection to the University backbone as well as doing the usual Wednesday server updates. We expect that the networking should be out for at most a half-hour.

The departmental servers coxeter, sphere, and the web, share, ptr, and blog/wiki servers will have software updates applied on Wednesday afternoon, March 18, 2015 which will require rebooting. Since some updates will be applied while the servers are still up there may be some temporary issues with some software. We hope that any such issues will be minor and by doing most of the upgrading before bringing systems down the shorter downtime will be worth the potential minor problems. Please restart any programs if you observe problems during the upgrades (and please let us know at, so we can investigate). We expect the systems to be back up by 5:00pm.

Course software requests

In order to budget for course software and to allow time to install it, please submit requests using this form at least 3 weeks before the start of term (later requests will still be considered).

Network switch updates in Bahen; part 2

The update of the network switches for the rooms (mostly offices) in Bahen was completed yesterday and they appear to be working well.

The main departmental network connection to the University backbone will be upgraded soon as well.  This new departmental network connection will support a faster connection should the department decide to upgrade the connection.  We expect that the downtime for the switch upgrade will be less than a half-hour.

Chromium browser now available on coxeter

The chromium web browser (it is very similar to Google Chrome) is now available on coxeter.  Please run chromium-browser on coxeter to access it.

Forwarding spam email from our department

In order for our email server to function well for all our users, it is necessary to prevent the degradation of our email server’s reputation with respect to outside agencies.  Otherwise, outgoing messages may be blocked by outside email servers.  As this degradation has already begun, we must act to minimize the amount of spam we allow to be transmitted by our servers.  For this reason, anyone forwarding email from our mail server must have the “autodelete” function enabled.  This automatically deletes any email that according to our spam filter is 99% or 100% likely to be spam.

Network switch update completion from 2pm to 5pm on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The second half of the new network switches will be installed and configured on Wednesday (March 11, 2015) between 2pm and 5pm.  During that time period we expect that the network connection in any particular office will be offline for at most a half-hour. The new switches are more secure and support 1Gbps ethernet.  An announcement will be made if upgrading the main departmental network link to the University backbone will require an extensive downtime.

Network switch updates in Bahen

Half of the new network switches were installed and configured today and they appear to be working well.  The second half will be installed next week, most likely on Wednesday from 2pm-5pm (an email will be sent when the time is confirmed).

Network switch updates from 11am to 3pm on Wednesday, March 4, 2015

We will be updating the network infrastructure in Bahen on Wednesday (March 4, 2015) between 11am and 3pm, with new switches.  During that time period we expect that the network connection in any particular office will be offline for at most a half-hour. The new switches are more secure and support 1Gbps ethernet.

New lw3 printer installed

A new lw3 printer has been installed.  It is the same as the current lw2 printer which was upgraded in October, except that it has less RAM (more RAM has been ordered, but it has not arrived yet).  Please let us know (email if there are problems with this new printer.

If you set up lw3 on your own laptop please note that it has changed from a Xerox Phaser 4510DT to a Xerox Phaser 5550DN.  Limited testing seems to indicate that the old driver software still works fine under some Windows configurations, however there are drivers on the Xerox support website:

if you wish to update your system (select your OS from the falldown menu on that page).

Server updates on 2015jan28 were successful

The departmental servers are working fine after the updates.

coxeter and mail were back a little before 5:30pm.